• (845) 896-9651

Remarriage Planning

Prenups and Estate Planning–When it’s not your first marriage.



If you are about to get married and have either already been married, already had children, or your new partner has done either or both, you should seriously consider a pre-nuptual agreement.  If you have already remarried and either or both of you have children from a prior relationship, you should consider a post-nuptual agreement.

Why do we need a pre-nuptual or post-nuptual agreement?

  1. So that you plan your joint financial life while protecting your premarital assets.
  2. So that you can protect your children’s inheritance.
  3. So that you can both have open and clear financial communication and expectations.
  4. So that if you split up,it is less complicated and less expensive.
  5. So that upon your death or the other person’s death there are no nasty surprises for anyone.

Death or Divorce – Be ready just in case

How to Go About It?

Some people each hire a lawyer, and have the lawyers negotiate on their behalf.  Some people come to mediation or collaboration and get assistance that way.  Some people work out a plan and hire a lawyer  to work as a scribe and put their agreement into a legally enforceable format.  We provide all of these services.  If you are considering remarrying and would like more information, please schedule a consultation.  We will be happy to help you figure out the best way to proceed.

Estate Planning is especially sensitive even long after a second marriage.  It is normal to want to protect your second spouse, and at the same time, want your children to get some inheritance at your death.  We have significant experience helping individuals and couples figure out how to meet their objectives, and how to avoid conflict in their ongoing marriage while doing careful estate planning.

Set up a consultation with one of our lawyers to explore what will work best for you in your remarriage.

Call Now for a Consultation: 845-896-9651

LEARN ABOUT DIVORCE Free of charge on zoom. DIVORCE 101 WEBINAR:  What are the differences between mediation, collaboration and litigation?  Open to the Public Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 4:00 pm Call or email us to reserve a spot.RSVP Today