• (845) 896-9651

Prenuptial & Postnuptial

Prenuptial and Postnuptial – Although many people think it is not “romantic” to have a prenuptial agreement, we believe that it is not “romantic” to have an unclear financial relationship with your life partner. Couples sometimes want to make legally binding agreements while remaining married, to provide what will happen either in the event of death or divorce.



Before getting married, it is essential that the parties have an open and clear discussion of their respective financial situations and their expectations of one another. Although many people think it is not “romantic” to have a prenuptial agreement, we believe that it is not “romantic” to have an unclear financial relationship with your life partner.

We assist couples who are planning to marry address the financial issues that may be important to them during their marriage, and if they wish, help them clarify what would happen if one of them left the marriage or if one of them died during the marriage.

How can we help you?  There are three choices — as an attorney, as a mediator or as a collaborator.

We sometimes work for one of the parties as an attorney to assist that individual in negotiating a prenuptial agreement. Through MH Mediation we also work as mediators to assist the couple in working out the agreement together.  Using the Collaborative model, we often work for you in conjunction with your intended and their lawyer.

Which model should you choose?

You should decide whether you need someone to advocate for you in your discussions with your intended, in which case you should probably retain us as your lawyer, or whether the two of you are comfortable enough working out the details together that you are looking for someone to facilitate the conversation, in which case a mediation appointment might be preferable. You can call and talk to our staff before deciding which appointment to make. In either event, a consultation will be scheduled before you are committed to proceeding.

Call Now for a Consultation: 845-896-9651

LEARN ABOUT DIVORCE Free of charge on zoom. DIVORCE 101 WEBINAR:  What are the differences between mediation, collaboration and litigation?  Open to the Public Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 4:00 pm Call or email us to reserve a spot.RSVP Today