Lazar Schwartz & Jones lawyers are compassionate, responsive and caring, yet tough when it comes to defending your interests regarding the full range of family legal problems – divorce, custody and visitation, support, adoption and paternity.
Meet Our Team
Lazar Schwartz & Jones specializes in achieving outstanding outcomes for individuals relating to their marriage, divorce, and estate planning needs, while working in integrity with the client’s values. To resolve disputes respectfully and achieve positive and peaceful family reorganization, we offer Mediation, Collaborative Divorce and litigation services. We believe that all family matters require thoughtful, sensitive and thorough discussion and review before any action is taken and that the action should be one mutually adopted by the lawyer and their client.
Kathryn Lazar and Robert Schwartz each have over forty years of experience. Brett Jones has over twenty years experience having joined the firm in 2007 after working with one of the most respected matrimonial lawyers in Dutchess County for over ten years. Melissa Rutkoske worked “of counsel” for Lazar and Schwartz for many years, and joined the firm full time in 2016. All our lawyers dedicate themselves to working closely with their clients to achieve the client’s objective.
Choosing a Family Law Firm
We are the most experienced firm in the Hudson Valley area that offers you three different ways to dissolve your marriage. Protect your children and your financial position and become an active participant in the process.
Want to Win in the Long Run? Get Educated!
We believe that a well-informed client is more likely to achieve the results that he or she wants
Timely Resolutions
Because our attorneys are extremely experienced in Litigation, Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, your case will be resolved by the most efficient, effective and workable method for you and your family.
Clients Say
Call for a Consultation: 845-896-9651
Call us at your convenience. We believe that all family matters require thoughtful, sensitive and thorough discussion and review before any action is taken and that the action should be one mutually adopted by the lawyer and their client.