The International Academy of Collaborative Practitioners is having its annual meeting in San Antonio this October, and has selected Kathryn to present an advanced workshop called “Creativity Through Comparative Law”.  One of the distinctive features of collaborative divorce is that each couple gets to fashion its own solutions, not bound by state law.  However, lawyers are used to applying their own law, and often refer to their client’s batna (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) as their reference point.  Experienced collaborative divorce lawyers need to have a rich understanding of the law in many different jurisdictions.

In this workshop, Kathryn will lead a discussion comparing the divorce law in many of the United States, Australia, Canada and England.  Given that there are over 6,000 experienced practitioners from all over the world who are anticipated to attend the workshop, it is a great honor to be selected as a teacher.  Kathryn is very much looking forward to this opportunity to assist others in enlarging their sense of what is possible.